Easy Ways to Create a Soothing Bedroom Environment
The environment you sleep in has a significant impact on how long you sleep and the quality of that sleep. In addition to aspects such as lighting, room temperature and noise, key design elements such as the paint color on the walls or the fabric of the bedspreads also affect the sleep experience.
It's no coincidence that some people sleep better in their hotel room than in their home. Hotels usually have fewer furniture items, and the preferred furniture is often placed in a way that makes hotel guests feel comfortable. Just like in Feng Shui, which is an ancient Chinese teaching and shows the methods of activating the life energy existing in nature in the living spaces.
The color you choose for your bedroom walls can affect how ready you are to sleep. Warm tones such as reds or bright yellows have an energizing effect and increase one's heart rate. On the other hand, cooler or more neutral tones such as blue, cream and beige have a soothing effect. Studies show that when it comes to sleep, the quality and duration of sleep is prolonged in bedrooms where the color blue is dominant.
The effect of color on sleep is due to special receptors in the retina of our eyes called ganglion cells. These cells are responsible for transmitting to the part of our body that controls the circadian rhythm, when we feel awake or sleepy. Since ganglion cells are most sensitive to the color blue, which is most associated with a sense of calmness, when blue-colored substances are taken up by ganglion cells and transferred to the brain, they help reduce blood pressure and heart rate, which helps us get a sound night's sleep.
Choosing the right curtains plays an important role in increasing the sleep appeal of your bedroom. Curtains, known as blackouts, are cut from thick, opaque fabrics and reinforced with extra lining to block out external light. They tend to be long enough and big enough to provide full coverage around the windowpane (not just the window itself).
Bedding fabric is another important variable. Natural fibers like cotton and linen help you eliminate sweat or moisture on hot nights, creating a better sleep environment.
How your bedroom smells can also seriously affect our sleep quality. Fragrances awaken the senses. Therefore, you can scent your bedroom with pure essential oils and benefit from the power and healing of aromatherapy. Lavender, ylang ylang, rose and geranium are recommended essential oils for the bedroom.
When it comes to quality sleep, of course, you have the bed in the lead role. Recalling that a person spends an average of up to 3,000 hours a year in bed, we recommend that you consider changing your bedding every seven years.